Friday, June 25, 2021

Co-Sponsoring & The CSA Rewards Program


Co-Sponsoring & The CSA Rewards Program

For many SFI Affiliates, building a business can be very challenging. And sometimes, relying solely on just one person to act as their personal guide and mentor is just not enough. That's why SFI developed its unique co-sponsor program. In short, through our co-sponsor program, EVERY affiliate is assigned both a sponsor AND one or more co-sponsors

However, the responsibilities of your co-sponsors are NOT quite the same as they are for your sponsor. Your co-sponsors are there to provide encouragement and general support. Feel free to ask them any general questions you have, but direct most of your concerns and specific questions about your SFI business to your Sponsor.

Note: If you've only recently joined SFI, your co-sponsors may have not yet been assigned.

YOU can be a co-sponsor too—and earn Equivalent Executive Pool Shares—starting TODAY!

Becoming a co-sponsor is super easy...and potentially lucrative as well!  As a co-sponsor, you can earn Equivalent Executive Pool Shares (EEPS) on points earned by the CSAs (Co-Sponsored Affiliates) assigned to YOU. Learn how to boost your commissions with EEPS.

So, how do you get CSAs? In one or more of the following ways, via our CSA Rewards Program

1. Become an Executive Affiliate (EA) or Team Leader, and get up to 20 CSAs each month.

2. Join the TripleClicks Booster Club, and get 5 CSAs each month you maintain your BCQ status.

3. You can win CSAs in Astro Auctions. Check out the schedule for upcoming CSA auctions HERENOTE: You'll also get 10 Rewardical Tokens for every bid you place!

4. If you're a Team Leader (TL), you also qualify for shares of Second Home CSAs, which are CSAs forfeited by inactive affiliates and who need a NEW co-sponsor. 
You'll get the same Equivalent Executive Pool Shares (EEPS) as you get from your regular CSAs. However, you must opt-in to receive them. You'll then get up to 6 shares of Second Home CSAs automatically added to your team, with YOU as their new co-sponsor!

Once your CSAs log in to the Affiliate Center for the first time, they'll see a default welcome message from you. You can view this default welcome message for your CSAs HERE. If you like, you can customize the default text to suit your own style...but again, remember: your job as a Co-Sponsor is simply to provide encouragement and general support. Simply introduce yourself and let your CSAs know you're one of their SFI co-sponsors. 

TIP: For a good outline of your Co-Sponsor responsibilities, see this article.

Thank you !!!

Thursday, June 24, 2021

How To Prove Marketing = Money Use Of the SFI


Marketing = Money

By now, you've probably got some idea about the basics of marketing your SFI business. But we'd like to break it down a bit more because it's such an important element of your new business. Indeed, it's your marketing that generates your profits!   

First, let's look at what we know:

A. You're going to want to refer Zing Network members.

B. You're going to want to sponsor SFI affiliates.

You can do these activities one at a time, or you can do both at the same time...but you'll ultimately want to become a "master marketer" in both.

Now, mastering something you may know little about may sound far-fetched, but it's really not. Thousands of SFI affiliates of all ages and backgrounds around the world—people who didn't know the first thing about marketing—are generating tons of enrollments and sales every day!  YOU can become just as proficient. All you have to do is get started and keep working on it.

So how do you get started?  Well, thanks to SFI's amazing system, you can actually be on your way with your first marketing campaign(s)—in less than 30 minutes!

Here's how:


✔ Review this LaunchPad Lesson on SFI Promotional Aids, Methods, & Gateways on the variety of marketing aids and marketing methods you can use to promote SFI and attract new Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSAs).

✔ Review this LaunchPad Lesson on Member Referral Aids, Methods, & More on the multitude of online and printable market-ready ads and effective methods for getting new Personally Referred Members (PRMs) you can start using today...most completely free for you to use.


Choose an ad and/or method for attracting PSAs and/or PRMs listed at the Marketing Center, and implement it today.

For example, most email providers allow you to set up a "signature" that is automatically added to every e-mail you send out. Just add or amend your email signature to promote the SFI business opportunity, Astro Auctions, Eager Zebra games, or TripleClicks, etc. You can choose one of these approved text ads—which includes a special link with your SFI ID—to use for your email signature.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Take back your life. Our program shows you how!

The Website your boss doesn't want you to know about!

WIN Great Prizes...Cool Badges...Today's Zackpot!
Play FREE daily.

ONLINE AUCTIONS...REINVENTED!'ve just started marketing your SFI business!

Now you can sit back and wait for the commissions to start rolling in, right? Sorry, but nothing worthwhile is ever THAT easy! To start seeing serious income, you'll need a variety of ongoing, responsive marketing strategies, as well as a long-term vision for success.

But let's not discount the first step in your marketing journey! Getting started is the key. You're on your way to overcoming the "inertia" that keeps most people stuck in dead-end lives, and that's BIG!

Speaking of big, here's a good way to think about your marketing:

Just as a small fire produces little heat, small efforts will produce small results.  So, give yourself a little reward for lighting the fire today. Then tomorrow, make plans to move your marketing up to the next level.

TIP: Your SFI Marketing Center contains over 300 different marketing aids and methods. Be sure to spend some serious time getting to know all the great marketing tools you have at your disposal...then put them to work for you!

Read More

Thank you!!!

Saturday, June 12, 2021

How to earn Money Free of Cost Here

Hi, my friends if you are interested to earn online free of cost you have to visit the below links for details.




Best of luck!

Thank you !!

Friday, June 11, 2021

Setting up your Welcome Letter


Setting up your Welcome Letter

First impressions and strong relationships with your team members are crucial to your success in SFI.

So when one of your new PSAs (Personally Sponsored Affiliate) logs into the SFI Affiliate Center for the first time, it's VITAL that they're greeted with a thoughtful welcome message from YOU—the person sponsoring them in SFI.

Fortunately, it's easy to create your own Welcome Letter. In fact, a default letter is already set up for you and ready to go! And so that your new PSAs won't miss it, your welcome message—accompanied by your account photo—will automatically appear on their homepage, as shown below:

Your sponsor–Ramjee Sah (–has left a special welcome message for you! Click here to read now.

Upon clicking the link in their homepage message, your PSA will see your default welcome letter:

As illustrated in the image above, the default welcome letter greets the new PSA by name, includes the name and account photo of the sponsor, and provides links to the sponsor's SFI Leadership Page and the SFI New Affiliate Introduction that all new affiliates should read through.

This default letter certainly covers all the bases for greeting your new affiliates. However, when you're ready, consider customizing your welcome letter with your own text, tailoring it to suit your personality, strengths, and offerings as an SFI Sponsor.

Customizing your welcome letter is simple and easy:

1. Go to your Create/Manage New PSA Welcome page HERE.

2. Enter your own message in the text field.

3. Click the Save button.

That's it!

TIP: Check out the Message Tips at the bottom of the Create/Manage New PSA Welcome page for ideas of content to include in your custom welcome letter that will get results.

IMPORTANT! If you haven't already done so, upload your Account Photo now; your picture personalizes SFI for your new affiliates and lets them know that their sponsor is a real person!  Learn how to do this here.

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Saturday, June 5, 2021

Complete your Affiliate Profile with SFI Platform


Complete your Affiliate Profile

Setting up a new business is a time-consuming task...we know! With so much to think about and learn, it's easy to overlook some items here and there that are, nonetheless, vital to getting started right. (After all, that's why we've created this LaunchPad series for you!)

One easy task you DON'T want to overlook is completing your SFI AFFILIATE PROFILE. This brief questionnaire is a key component of SFI's powerful personalized training and support programs, which tracks dozens of affiliate activities. Armed with the results of your profile, we can provide you with the tools and exact steps unique to you to help you build a successful business.

With your permission, we'll also add your profile answers to your Affiliate Snapshot so your sponsor can learn about you and how best to help you achieve your goals.

Take a moment RIGHT NOW and complete this important step toward setting up your SFI business. It will only take a few minutes to complete and will help you get the most from SFI:


IMPORTANT: Remember, all information you provide in your Affiliate Profile is kept 100% private. We will NEVER share SFI affiliate information with ANY third parties. For more information on our Privacy Policy, click hereIf you wish to share your profile information with your SFI Sponsor, Co-Sponsor, and/or other upline members, select those options on the Permissions section at the end of the profile.

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Thank you!!!

Friday, June 4, 2021

SFI: Ultra-Simplified


SFI: Ultra-Simplified

One of the downsides of having a powerful program like SFI is that it's often assumed it must also be very complex and hard to learn. Although some affiliates try to make SFI way more complicated than necessary, it's actually very simple when you break it down to its core elements. Indeed, SFI is quite easy to understand...which is the best kind of power!

Here's our ultra-simple 3-step plan:

1. Become an Executive Affiliate (EA) and remain an EA every month. 

2. Recruit five affiliates using the methods listed HERE

3. Teach your five affiliates to do these same three steps.

Just follow these three steps and you can't go wrong!

Then, when you're ready, check out The Plan, our simple 6-step formula for advancing ALL the way from Affiliate (the starting rank in SFI) to Diamond Team Leader (the highest and most prestigious rank in SFI).

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Thank you !!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Taking the SFI To The Next Level


Taking SFI to the next level

Trees don't think about reaching a certain height; they simply "reach for the sky" and grow as high as they can.  This is the same attitude you should adopt in SFI.

Just as every tree starts out as a seed, everyone who joins SFI starts out as a basic affiliate. Of course, you're free to remain a basic affiliate if you wish. But you're going to want to strive for more to unlock the real benefits of the SFI program.

What kind of benefits? Here's just a few:

✔ Lucrative Executive Pool shares.
✔ Higher Direct Commissions on your PSAs.
✔ Monthly BONUS CSAs, Rewardicals, & TCredits.
✔ Express Affiliate Support.
✔ Free access to the best team-building "power tools."
✔ And SO much more...

And because we truly want ALL our affiliates to succeed, we've made tapping into these benefits quickly and easy. Simply collect 1,500 VersaPoints (VP) each month to advance to Executive Affiliate (EA) for instant access to SFI's most powerful business-building tools AND profitable Executive Pool shares(See entire benefits chart.)

TIP: See your To-Do List to start collecting VP right now!

In short, we recommend you commit to earning AT LEAST 1,500 VP every month, retaining your Executive Affiliate rank, and access to your numerous executive benefits.

Now, that said, just like an oak tree would never stop at 10 feet, YOU don't have to stop at EA! In fact, the SFI program is designed specifically to grow with you as you reach for your dreams of financial success...

Moving up!

The next logical step on your road to SFI success is to start building a team of fellow movers and shakers. With just 1,000 more monthly VP (2,500 qualified points total)  and at least three Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSAs), you'll acquire the prestigious title and benefits of a Bronze Team Leader (BTL).  As a Bronze Team Leader, you'll get access to even bigger and better perks and power tools and unlock more Executive Pool shares.

Don't stop there either!

So that's it, right? Wrong! The oak tree doesn't stop when it reaches 40 feet high. Be like the tree and keep on growing. Check out THE PLAN for a great overview of how to ascend to SFI's highest rank, Diamond Team Leader (DTL).

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SFI Weekly News (April 18, 2022)

  Greetings from SFI...let's keep building something great! Here's a brief rundown of SFI's latest developments, along with this...