Friday, July 16, 2021

How To Know Power Ranking & Leaderboards with SFI Platform


Power Ranking & Leaderboards

Everyone loves recognition for their hard work and efforts. And we've got SEVERAL Leaderboards available to tout a variety of achievements of SFI movers and shakers and encourage up-and-coming leaders. 

Located at the Leaders section of the SFI Affiliate Center, leaderboards can give you and your team tons of bragging rights! They also help give you an idea of where you, your sponsor, your upline team leaders, and other SFI Affiliates stand relative to other Affiliates. NOTE: As we launch new initiatives, improvements, contests, and other program enhancements, we also occasionally create relevant leaderboards to highlight Affiliate successes in new and exciting areas of their businesses. 

Currently, the SFI Affiliate Center features the following leaderboards:

Top Sponsors LeaderboardSFI's sponsors who have garnered the best ratings from their PSAs to date. 

Power Rank LeaderboardSFI's top affiliates ranked by overall Power Rank, Country Rank, and Class Rank. You can view all affiliates in the top 50, 100, or 200 and/or sort this list by your class, your country, your PSAs, or your sponsor/Upline TLs. 

TIP! Don't see yourself listed in the top 200? Stop by your Scoreboard tab for your current Power Rank. You can also see how you rank among all active Affiliates in your country, among active Affiliates in your class (those affiliates who joined SFI the same day you did), and among ALL active SFI Affiliates around the world–your Overall Power Rank. Remember, the more VP you accumulate, the higher your Power Ranks can go!

VersaPoints LeaderboardThis month's top VersaPoints scorers.

VersaPoints Streak LeaderboardSFI Affiliates ranked by the number of consecutive days they've earned 10 VP or more.

Country Leaderboard—SFI's top affiliates by country, based on total VersaPoints to date—as well as a listing of the countries with the most active affiliates. Click a country to see all the leaders in that country.

E365 LeaderboardA list of SFI Affiliates in your "class" (all those who joined SFI the same day you did), showing the average VP of your class and whether you fall above or below this average for each one of the six rounds of the E365 contest.

SFI Badge Quest LeaderboardA list of the top 200 of all Badge Quest players for the month.

Opti-Build LeaderboardA list of top participants in the Opti-Build program.

Leadership ChallengeThe Leadership Challenge is a monthly contest for all SFI affiliates interested in developing a strong, active group.

TIP: If you see one of your own PSAs/CSAs, your sponsor, or one of your upline team leaders listed, send them a TeamMail message or E-Card to congratulate them! 

In summary, by competing with your fellow Affiliates successfully, your achievements earn you coveted placements on one or more of SFI Leaderboards. In addition to increasing your earning power, your accomplishments will earn you a variety of cool badges to show off to your prospects and your team. And that will help designate YOU as a leader worth duplicating!

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