Saturday, June 5, 2021

Complete your Affiliate Profile with SFI Platform


Complete your Affiliate Profile

Setting up a new business is a time-consuming task...we know! With so much to think about and learn, it's easy to overlook some items here and there that are, nonetheless, vital to getting started right. (After all, that's why we've created this LaunchPad series for you!)

One easy task you DON'T want to overlook is completing your SFI AFFILIATE PROFILE. This brief questionnaire is a key component of SFI's powerful personalized training and support programs, which tracks dozens of affiliate activities. Armed with the results of your profile, we can provide you with the tools and exact steps unique to you to help you build a successful business.

With your permission, we'll also add your profile answers to your Affiliate Snapshot so your sponsor can learn about you and how best to help you achieve your goals.

Take a moment RIGHT NOW and complete this important step toward setting up your SFI business. It will only take a few minutes to complete and will help you get the most from SFI:


IMPORTANT: Remember, all information you provide in your Affiliate Profile is kept 100% private. We will NEVER share SFI affiliate information with ANY third parties. For more information on our Privacy Policy, click hereIf you wish to share your profile information with your SFI Sponsor, Co-Sponsor, and/or other upline members, select those options on the Permissions section at the end of the profile.

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Thank you!!!

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