Sunday, July 25, 2021

The Big Funnel of The SFI Platform


The Big Funnel

As you become more and more proficient at attracting and sponsoring new affiliates, it's important that you understand this:

IT'S A NUMBERS GAME.  Always has been and always will be.

What do we mean by that? Think of your SFI business as a big funnel. At the big end of the funnel, you're putting in new affiliates that you've sponsored.  

The MAJORITY will, unfortunately, turn out to be "tire-kickers" or people looking for something for nothing. That's okay! There are millions of them in the world and if you're out there advertising, you're going to attract your share. You must accept that this is NORMAL and not let it bother you. Some will, some won't. So what?! Someone's waiting! Next! 

Those who emerge from the small end of your funnel, however, are the people who "get" SFI, who see the big picture and want to participate seriously.

These are your future leaders—your "go-getters" who can explode your income. SFI pays lucrative Leveraged Income to you on the activity of those affiliates you have personally sponsored (PSAs).

It only takes a few...

But what's REALLY amazing is how few of these go-getters you actually need!  

Check this out:

With SFI's 50% Direct Commissions, you can advance all the way to the top in SFI–Diamond Team Leader–and be in profit with as little as just three PSAs! (Get started right now with these free sponsoring tools.)

For example:
Let's say you've purchased a $29.97 premium subscription for our flagship product, ECommergy. If  just one of your Personally Sponsored Affiliates (PSAs) opts for an ECommergy subscription as well, you can earn about $11 a month in Direct Commissions and Executive Pool shares. Your commissions can climb to over $20 a month if a second PSA subscribes to ECommergy. And you'll be earning a profit at over $30 a month with a total of just three PSAs following your example!

But your SFI earnings can go FAR beyond just getting into profit mode!

Can you personally develop just ONE new Executive Affiliate (EA) a week who will maintain his or her EA rank every month? Can you teach JUST TWO OTHERS to do the same? If so, after just one year you could be earning at least $600 a month ($7,200 a year)! After just two years, you could be earning over $1,200 a month ($14,400 a year)

Of course, you can earn MUCH, MUCH MORE. We haven't even included the many bonuses you can get in the examples above! Plus, you and your downline may develop many more EAs. And that's the beauty of your SFI business! There are no ceilings. You can earn a little spending cash, or you can earn the kind of money that would make a hedge fund manager envious.

Best of all, you can do it completely from your home or while you travel, working only the hours you want. No commute. No suit. And YOU are the boss!

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Friday, July 23, 2021

How to Make Strong Team Building With SFI Business


Team Building

It doesn’t matter how intelligent, rich, energetic, or dynamic you are—you are still limited to a 24-hour day. Team building lets you overcome this limitation. With a solid team of affiliates in your downline, you can essentially have dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people ALL working indirectly on your behalf during those same 24 hours, generating income for you as a percentage of everything they earn!

Team building also helps build security for your business. Why? In most traditional businesses, becoming ill or taking a vacation could cost you customers and most, if not all, of your income because your company's success relies on your being there. Building a team of independent business people helps you create total financial freedom for yourself. We call this leveraged income. It means you no longer have all your eggs in one basket. Rather, because each person on your team has a vested interest in continuing and building his or her own businesses, your income is not totally dependent upon YOU. It can continue, even grow, indefinitely, with or without you!

Now read the above paragraphs again, and make sure it sinks in. This is one of THE most important things you'll ever learn at SFI:

Build a team, and you'll build success!  

Don't EVER forget this. Always keep team building a high priority. 

Not sure how? We can help.

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Friday, July 16, 2021

How To Know Power Ranking & Leaderboards with SFI Platform


Power Ranking & Leaderboards

Everyone loves recognition for their hard work and efforts. And we've got SEVERAL Leaderboards available to tout a variety of achievements of SFI movers and shakers and encourage up-and-coming leaders. 

Located at the Leaders section of the SFI Affiliate Center, leaderboards can give you and your team tons of bragging rights! They also help give you an idea of where you, your sponsor, your upline team leaders, and other SFI Affiliates stand relative to other Affiliates. NOTE: As we launch new initiatives, improvements, contests, and other program enhancements, we also occasionally create relevant leaderboards to highlight Affiliate successes in new and exciting areas of their businesses. 

Currently, the SFI Affiliate Center features the following leaderboards:

Top Sponsors LeaderboardSFI's sponsors who have garnered the best ratings from their PSAs to date. 

Power Rank LeaderboardSFI's top affiliates ranked by overall Power Rank, Country Rank, and Class Rank. You can view all affiliates in the top 50, 100, or 200 and/or sort this list by your class, your country, your PSAs, or your sponsor/Upline TLs. 

TIP! Don't see yourself listed in the top 200? Stop by your Scoreboard tab for your current Power Rank. You can also see how you rank among all active Affiliates in your country, among active Affiliates in your class (those affiliates who joined SFI the same day you did), and among ALL active SFI Affiliates around the world–your Overall Power Rank. Remember, the more VP you accumulate, the higher your Power Ranks can go!

VersaPoints LeaderboardThis month's top VersaPoints scorers.

VersaPoints Streak LeaderboardSFI Affiliates ranked by the number of consecutive days they've earned 10 VP or more.

Country Leaderboard—SFI's top affiliates by country, based on total VersaPoints to date—as well as a listing of the countries with the most active affiliates. Click a country to see all the leaders in that country.

E365 LeaderboardA list of SFI Affiliates in your "class" (all those who joined SFI the same day you did), showing the average VP of your class and whether you fall above or below this average for each one of the six rounds of the E365 contest.

SFI Badge Quest LeaderboardA list of the top 200 of all Badge Quest players for the month.

Opti-Build LeaderboardA list of top participants in the Opti-Build program.

Leadership ChallengeThe Leadership Challenge is a monthly contest for all SFI affiliates interested in developing a strong, active group.

TIP: If you see one of your own PSAs/CSAs, your sponsor, or one of your upline team leaders listed, send them a TeamMail message or E-Card to congratulate them! 

In summary, by competing with your fellow Affiliates successfully, your achievements earn you coveted placements on one or more of SFI Leaderboards. In addition to increasing your earning power, your accomplishments will earn you a variety of cool badges to show off to your prospects and your team. And that will help designate YOU as a leader worth duplicating!

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Thursday, July 8, 2021

BCQ Status and Auto-Delivery


BCQ Status and Auto-Delivery

Here's an easy way to maintain your VP and your SFI rank every month: 

It's called the TripleClicks Booster Club...

Being Booster Club Qualified (BCQ) helps make sure you maintain your desired VP level, SFI rank, and all the associated commissions, bonuses, and perks each month—all with no hassle and no unpleasant end-of-month VP shortage surprises!

PLUS...Every month you maintain your BCQ status, you receive:

  ✔ An EXTRA 100 bonus VersaPoints.

  ✔ TWO additional entries each day in the big Daily Grand drawing.

  ✔ FIVE new business building Co-Sponsored Affiliates (CSAs)

  ✔ A prestigious Booster Club Member badge!  

But these benefits are only part of BCQ's value. Qualifying for the TripleClicks Booster Club means you understand how valuable it is to support your store and practice Transfer Buying whenever possible. What's more, your displayed member badge shows your team members that you lead by example, that you're serious about your business, and that you're a strong supporter and cheerleader for TripleClicks!

Multiple methods to BCQ

All SFI Affiliates automatically join the TC Booster Club and become Boost Club Qualified (BCQ) when they accomplish either of the following:

  ✔ Order/Sell a product with a minimum of 3,000 VersaPoints attached.

  ✔ Order/Sell a product(s) with a minimum of 1,500 VersaPoints attached in the current and previous month

Read more about the TripleClicks Booster Club HERE.


Setting up an auto-delivery for your Booster Club Qualifying purchase is the easiest way to attain your BCQ status (although it's not required). With an auto-delivery, you get your favorite items automatically delivered to you each month without having to manually place an order. And don't worry: if you change your mind, you can modify or cancel your order online at any time.

TIP: Here are some popular items you can choose for auto-delivery and BCQ status.

To set up an Auto-Delivery:        

  1. At TripleClicks, find your favorite product you would like to have automatically delivered each month.

  2. Add your item to your cart.

  3. Check the box to confirm you want an auto-delivery for this item. 

  4. Complete the checkout process.

Your order will be processed immediately. Then, starting the following month, we will automatically process and deliver your order again...and for each subsequent month until you cancel your Auto-Delivery.

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Monday, July 5, 2021

Put Power Tools to Work for You


Put Power Tools to work for you

Once you're ready to start really building your's time to break out the Power Tools! Located under the TOOLS menu at your SFI Affiliate Center, your Power Tools are organized into three categories—Team Building, Marketing, and Communication. The invaluable tools you'll find in each category are designed specifically to help put ALL aspects of your business into high gear.

Below, we briefly examine each category and highlight several Power Tools you can begin using immediately, no matter your experience level. NOTE: Some tools referenced below have been featured in previous LaunchPad Lessons. See the LP index for details.

Team Building Power Tools

Looking to build your SFI team? The team-building suite of Power Tools can help. These tools include great options for affiliates of ALL experience levels. If you're just starting to build your SFI business, we suggest you check out these Power Tools first: 

Genealogy—Manage your organization, send messages to your downline, monitor sales activity, and MUCH more.

S-Builder Co-op—Get your own share of new SFI Affiliate sign-ups, generated by SFI's international advertising network for as little as $.72 a day.

PSAs To Go—Another way to instantly strengthen your team and increase your potential earning power, with newly joined SFI affiliates assigned to YOU.

Then, once you gain some confidence and know-how in SFI and have a few PSAs in your downline, you can fold a few more team-building tools into your strategy, including:

Affiliate Snapshot—A central repository of information and data on each of your PSAs.

Contests—set up all kinds of contests for your team to motivate them and provide specific, actionable goals through your Leadership Page.

Starter Incentives—Target select people in your team with special incentives that encourage them to take action.

Gift Fund Manager—A great tool for leaders who want to entice their PSAs to take action, upgrade, sponsor affiliates, and more!

Opti-Build and Powerlining—For more experienced Affiliates, these powerful programs are designed to put your team-building into overdrive!

Communication Power Tools

Building an active, income-generating team is IMPOSSIBLE without effective communication! In fact, it's SO important, we devote an entire LaunchPad Lesson in the next Chapter on the SFI Communication tools you have at your disposal.  Before we get there, however, we recommend you familiarize yourself with these three basic Communication Power Tools you can put to work for your business today:

Your Stream Tab—Stream automatically displays your posts (up to 500 characters) to all the affiliates in your group. You'll also see posts from your upline and SFI Corporate.

Your PSA Greeting—Discussed in detail in this LaunchPad lesson, your greeting displays a special message from you to your PSAs logging into the Affiliate Center for the first time.

Your SFI Inbox—SFI's affiliate message system includes messages, notices, and other communication from your Upline, as well as SFI Corporate, and lets you send messages to your team members via SFI's servers. Learn more about your SFI Inbox HERE.

Marketing Power Tools

Designed to boost and accelerate the growth of your business, your SFI Marketing Power Tools contains a multitude of options to suit a variety of marketing strategies. In previous LaunchPad Lessons, we discussed a variety of these tools designed to help you refer new members and sponsor new affiliates, including your own Gateway sites; banners, text ads, and printable marketing materials; and suggested methods for getting views, responses, and sales. 

Other Marketing Power Tools to consider putting to work for you include:

Key Code Tracking—A great tool for identifying which of your ads are working and which are not. Key Code Tracking gives you the ability to easily pinpoint where your results are coming from, so you can maximize your sales and recruit.

Hit Tracking—Gauge which Gateways are working best for you and bringing in the best results.

Lifetime Custom Prestige Domain —Get your own prestigious domain for your promotions.

As you can see, no matter the SFI business-building task you're focusing on, we most likely have a Power Tool that can help. Take a little time NOW and familiarize yourself with them. You'll be able to work SMARTER on your business and achieve your business goals sooner than you think!

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SFI Weekly News (April 18, 2022)

  Greetings from SFI...let's keep building something great! Here's a brief rundown of SFI's latest developments, along with this...