Monday, July 5, 2021

Put Power Tools to Work for You


Put Power Tools to work for you

Once you're ready to start really building your's time to break out the Power Tools! Located under the TOOLS menu at your SFI Affiliate Center, your Power Tools are organized into three categories—Team Building, Marketing, and Communication. The invaluable tools you'll find in each category are designed specifically to help put ALL aspects of your business into high gear.

Below, we briefly examine each category and highlight several Power Tools you can begin using immediately, no matter your experience level. NOTE: Some tools referenced below have been featured in previous LaunchPad Lessons. See the LP index for details.

Team Building Power Tools

Looking to build your SFI team? The team-building suite of Power Tools can help. These tools include great options for affiliates of ALL experience levels. If you're just starting to build your SFI business, we suggest you check out these Power Tools first: 

Genealogy—Manage your organization, send messages to your downline, monitor sales activity, and MUCH more.

S-Builder Co-op—Get your own share of new SFI Affiliate sign-ups, generated by SFI's international advertising network for as little as $.72 a day.

PSAs To Go—Another way to instantly strengthen your team and increase your potential earning power, with newly joined SFI affiliates assigned to YOU.

Then, once you gain some confidence and know-how in SFI and have a few PSAs in your downline, you can fold a few more team-building tools into your strategy, including:

Affiliate Snapshot—A central repository of information and data on each of your PSAs.

Contests—set up all kinds of contests for your team to motivate them and provide specific, actionable goals through your Leadership Page.

Starter Incentives—Target select people in your team with special incentives that encourage them to take action.

Gift Fund Manager—A great tool for leaders who want to entice their PSAs to take action, upgrade, sponsor affiliates, and more!

Opti-Build and Powerlining—For more experienced Affiliates, these powerful programs are designed to put your team-building into overdrive!

Communication Power Tools

Building an active, income-generating team is IMPOSSIBLE without effective communication! In fact, it's SO important, we devote an entire LaunchPad Lesson in the next Chapter on the SFI Communication tools you have at your disposal.  Before we get there, however, we recommend you familiarize yourself with these three basic Communication Power Tools you can put to work for your business today:

Your Stream Tab—Stream automatically displays your posts (up to 500 characters) to all the affiliates in your group. You'll also see posts from your upline and SFI Corporate.

Your PSA Greeting—Discussed in detail in this LaunchPad lesson, your greeting displays a special message from you to your PSAs logging into the Affiliate Center for the first time.

Your SFI Inbox—SFI's affiliate message system includes messages, notices, and other communication from your Upline, as well as SFI Corporate, and lets you send messages to your team members via SFI's servers. Learn more about your SFI Inbox HERE.

Marketing Power Tools

Designed to boost and accelerate the growth of your business, your SFI Marketing Power Tools contains a multitude of options to suit a variety of marketing strategies. In previous LaunchPad Lessons, we discussed a variety of these tools designed to help you refer new members and sponsor new affiliates, including your own Gateway sites; banners, text ads, and printable marketing materials; and suggested methods for getting views, responses, and sales. 

Other Marketing Power Tools to consider putting to work for you include:

Key Code Tracking—A great tool for identifying which of your ads are working and which are not. Key Code Tracking gives you the ability to easily pinpoint where your results are coming from, so you can maximize your sales and recruit.

Hit Tracking—Gauge which Gateways are working best for you and bringing in the best results.

Lifetime Custom Prestige Domain —Get your own prestigious domain for your promotions.

As you can see, no matter the SFI business-building task you're focusing on, we most likely have a Power Tool that can help. Take a little time NOW and familiarize yourself with them. You'll be able to work SMARTER on your business and achieve your business goals sooner than you think!

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                                                                  Thank you !!!

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