Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The Importance of Transfer Buying


The Importance of Transfer Buying

As one of our affiliates, you and SFI are partners. Therefore, you need to think of SFI products as YOUR products. And you need to think of TripleClicks.com as YOUR store.

That means when you buy products and services for yourself or others (e.g. gifts), you should always shop your own store (TripleClicks) first.

If you owned a bakery, you wouldn't be buying cinnamon rolls from the bakery down the street. If you owned an office supplies store, you wouldn't drive to a competitor's store to buy a stapler or paperclips.

It's the exact same thing as an SFI affiliate, especially when it comes to products you're ALREADY buying. Your store (TripleClicks.com) probably carries many products and/or services that you ALREADY purchase from a local store or other service provider. You should transfer those purchases...to YOUR store.  Remember, we're not talking about spending extra money, just changing from where you're buying.

So what's in it for you? What benefit do you get out of buying from your own store?

For starters, your purchases at TripleClicks earn you valuable VersaPoints, which you can parlay into numerous benefits and increased earnings. You also earn Rewardical Tokens with most purchases.

Patronizing your own store is also one of the best ways to lead by example–a very important component of building a strong and growing team.

But it's goes much, much further than that. The fact is, SFI's success—and your success as an SFI affiliate—is tied directly to the success of TripleClicks (TC). The more successful TC is, the more successful SFI's affiliates will be.

A popular and successful TC means: 

  • Easier sponsoring of SFI affiliates 
  • Easier referrals of members 
  • A wider selection of products & services 
  • Better prices 
  • Lower shipping costs 
  • and MORE 

...and that leads to larger affiliate commissions for you, your team, and all SFI Affiliates!

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Sunday, March 28, 2021

Introduction to TripleClicks Store


As outlined in the SFI Compensation Plan, customer sales are one big key to building a strong business and growing profits. Most of those sales will come from SFI-powered TripleClicks.com.  In this LaunchPad lesson, let's get you up to speed on...your store!

First, here are four things you'll want to know:

  1. TripleClicks is often abbreviated as TC.
  2. TC launched on January 5th, 2009.
  3. Your SFI affiliateship automatically includes a free membership to TripleClicks, as well as ALL Zing Network sites.
  4. TC includes tens of thousands of products in a wide variety of categories.

TC is much more than just an e-commerce site

TC has tens of thousands of products from all over the world–which is awesome. But TC also includes

  • Access to the 24-hour Astro Auctions site!
  • Access to the fun, engaging Eager Zebra Games site!
  • Free daily drawings for The Daily Crown—580 winners sharing 75,000 Rewardicals in prizes every day!
  • Most purchases at TripleClicks come with Rewardicals, which you can trade in for silver, TCredits, Bitcoin, and lots of other goodies!

Your TripleClicks store has something for everyone–and that makes earning money online not only realistic but also potentially highly lucrative.

TIP: Be sure you are logged in when you visit TC (use your SFI affiliate ID and password) so that you can see all the special affiliate features we've built into the store. Check the top right corner of the screen at TC to confirm you're logged in.

TripleClicks is full-featured!

TC is a state-of-the-art, secure Internet store site featuring numerous amenities including:

  • Express Checkout
  • Mobile responsive (browse TC on any mobile device)
  • Wish Lists
  • Secure online order/shipment tracking
  • Exclusive, money-saving deals, sales, and closeouts
  • Advanced search features
  • Auto-Delivery (your PRMs can set up orders to have consumable products shipped to them monthly automatically, meaning monthly commissions for you)
  • One-click sitewide currency conversions for 18 major world currencies
  • Dozens of payment options (including TCurrency—which allows you to use your own local currency for purchases)
  • and much more...and much more still in development!  

With all these powerful features, and massive future expansions coming, your TripleClicks store represents a business opportunity unlike anything else on the internet!

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Friday, March 26, 2021

Introducing About ECommergy With SFI Business


Introducing About ECommergy!

ECommergy is SFI's flagship digital product. Very simply, it's a site for and by eCommerce entrepreneurs, and features:

  • "Best of the best" articles, videos, and audios from across the web, hand-selected and curated by us and other experts in eCommerce. 
  • Exclusive articles and other content.
  • New content added daily.
  • Our exclusive "Ask An Expert" program allows you to get your questions personally answered by eCommerce experts at no additional cost.
  • The sophisticated search engine makes finding the exact content you're looking for fast and easy.
  • Peer ratings and reviews.
  •  A variety of tools and features for managing your favorite articles, reading lists, etc.
  • More!

A full-access monthly ECommergy subscription starts at just $9.97 (just $.33/day) and comes with 480 VersaPoints (VP). Or, quickly advance to Executive Affiliate (EA) rank–and begin receiving all related EA benefits–with an affordable $29.97 premium subscription (less than a dollar day)...all while having experts in eCommerce showing you the way to success and profits!

ECommergy logo


A big part of ECommergy's strength is derived from its exclusive focus on small business owners and internet entrepreneurs of ALL experience levels. Anyone who's in eCommerce...or wants to be...or should be utilizing eCommerce...are potential subscribers! That makes ECommergy an ideal product for you and your team to market. And with the ability to earn 50% of the CV on all subscribers, ECommergy is one of the top potential moneymakers for SFI affiliates!

Here's an example of ECommergy's earning potential:

Sign up for just two ECommergy Standard Subscribers a month beginning this month. Within just 12 months, you can be earning $76.80 in Direct Commissions and 11,520 VP each month. Combine that with, say, a new premium subscriber each month from one of your own Personally Sponsored Affiliate (PSAs), and you can be earning over $550 every month in Direct Commissions!  And that's NOT including the money you'll be making from Executive Pool shares and Equivalent Executive Pool Shares (EEPS)! Just imagine what you could be earning as more of your PSAs come on board and your base of subscribers continues to grow! 

What's more, because ECommergy is a 100% digital product with no shipping costs or hassles, delivery is instantaneous worldwide. Your new subscribers literally can be enjoying ECommergy within seconds, no matter where they live in the world!

To start marketing ECommergy, just refer potential subscribers
to your customized EC Gateway URL:

FREE SAMPLES: We all know that nothing compares to actually experiencing the value of an item for yourself. That's why each premium ECommergy subscription includes multiple "Day Passes" you can give out free to prospective subscribers*. These "trial subscriptions" let prospects explore ECommergy for themselves and see all it has to offer without any cost or obligation, before deciding if a subscription is right for themThis powerful, no-pressure way to generate new subscriptions can result in lucrative commissions for you month after month after month!

EXAMPLE: The EA-qualifying $29.97 premium subscription comes with 300 days of passes. That means you can hand out ten free 30-day passes...or thirty 10-day passes...or 300 one-day passes...or in whatever combination you want!

Hand out your day passes everywhere! HERE'S HOW. There are tens of millions of businesses across the world, both online and offline, and almost everyone could use the professional resources ECommergy provides. 

Yes, an ECommergy subscription can truly be invaluable for you. But signing up ECommergy subscribers also feels great, because you're helping fellow entrepreneurs succeed too! 

*ECommergy premium subscription day passes cannot be given to your PSAs or other SFI Affiliates. However, you CAN gift your PSAs passes to ECommergy via your Gift Fund Manager. Learn more.

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Friday, March 19, 2021

Flexxity Service Provider Referral program


The Flexxity Service Provider Referral program

In addition to making money as a Flexxity Service Provider (as we discussed above), you can also make money sending referrals to Flexxity in TWO ways:


Know someone with a marketable or in-demand skill? Most of us do! Just refer them to your Flexxity Gateway (see image at right). You'll be helping them get exposure for their business and attract new clients...AND you'll be earning Commissions and SVP on every service job they complete! You'll also get 1 Rewardical for every 10 Rewardicals your provider distributes to customers.

Start referring today! Simply send your potential Flexxity Service Providers to your affiliate Gateway link shown here: 


Once there, your referred viewers will be encouraged to sign up as a Service Provider and begin making extra cash. For those not sure of the services they might offer, the Gateway even provides a variety of ideas of skills that anyone could turn into a side hustle and get paid for.

For a variety of Flexxity banners, you can use on your blog posts, website, or other online resources to promote the Flexxity opportunity and send potential service providers to your Gateway, stop by your SFI Marketing Center.


Connect potential customers with the services they're looking for (and earn a profit for yourself!) by referring them to a Flexxity Service Provider or service. For every completed service paid for by any of your referred customers, YOU will receive a commission, valuable SVP, and Rewardicals!

To begin, sign in at Flexxity.com. You'll notice that all listings there include an AFFILIATE INFO panel:

Click the "VIEW" link to see details for this Flexxity SP listing, including SVP, Total CV, Direct Commissions, and the Executive Pool amounts:

Under the MARKETING heading, you'll see two types of affiliate links you can use to refer customers to Flexxity:

 * One to promote the specific LISTING, the "Promote this service" link.

 * One to promote the FL EXPERT (all of his/her services), a "Promote this Flexpert" link.

Both links will include the specific SFIID that will enable us to track your referrals and award you commissions and other perks. 

SPECIAL NOTE: If you wish, you can also use keycodes with these links to track your promotion and marketing results; just add a dot and your keycode right after your SFI ID like so (shown in red):


To review: there are THREE WAYS TO EARN with Flexxity!

1. Sign up as a Flexxity Service Provider, and make money with a side hustle of your own.

2. Refer other service providers to the Flexxity family and earn commissions, SVP, Rewardicals, and more on completed jobs.

3. Refer potential customers to Flexxity and earn commissions, SVP, Rewardicals, etc. once a job is done.

We expect Flexxity to grow into something very big for SFI and our affiliates in the coming months and years. In fact, as referrals for more and Flexxity SPs and customers come streaming in by affiliates like you, so too will more earning opportunities for Direct Commissions and Executive Pool overrides! Soon, there will be hundreds, and then thousands, of new places to buy services and earn Rewardicals and SVP. And THAT means potentially millions of dollars in new CV added to the SFI compensation pool...and paid out to SFI Affiliates!

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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

How To Introduce Flexxity

 Flexxity.com is all about SERVICES. With Flexxity, "SFI affiliates become the product"! Imagine being able to earn all the SVP you need each month by simply hiring your fellow SFI affiliates to inexpensively mow your lawn, groom your dog, do house cleaning, design your business cards, help you run an advertising campaign, and literally thousands of other services.

But that's only one side of Flexxity. Sign up as a service provider (SP) yourself in the Flexxity network, and you can unlock a whole new income stream—just by listing one or more skills that you (or someone in your family) already have! Find out more about why Flexxity a great fit for SFI Affiliates building their businesses!

IF YOU'RE A CUSTOMER: Simply browse the online Flexxity database for services and make inquiries and/or submit free bid requests to individual providers for the project you want done. Once the service provider accepts your project request, they'll confirm the price, date, time, etc., and the project can commence. And don't worry about privacy...all messaging up to this point is conducted through the Flexxity system to protect your identity and personal data!

IF YOU'RE A FLEXXITY SERVICE PROVIDER: You can register as a Flexxity service provider by simply filling out an online application form HERE (If you're an SFI Team Leader, you get your Flexxity SP subscription FREE!). Once approved, your listing goes live at Flexxity.com, and you can begin accepting orders and making money. NOTE: Need ideas on what Flexxity business to start? Click HERE!

PROCESSING PAYMENTS: A key element of the global Flexxity platform is its payment flexibility. Customers don't submit payment until a project is completed to their satisfaction. And Service Providers can choose to accept payments DIRECTLY from customers in local currency, through barter agreements, etc.

Learn more about Flexxity and how to take FULL advantage of this program to grow a healthy income!

The Flexxity Service Provider Referral program

Know someone with a marketable or in-demand skill? Most of us do! Just refer them to your Flexxity Gateway. You'll be helping them get exposure for their business and attract new clients...and you'll be setting yourself up for even more rewards!

For each Flexxity Service Provider, you refer, you can earn 1 Rewardical for every 10 Rewardicals your provider distributes to customers. Now, not only will you be able to earn unlimited Rewardicals for yourself hiring your favorite service providers for various projects and odd jobs but you could also earn thousands of additional Rewardicals each month when those service providers your referred award Rewardicals to their other customers!

Start referring today! Simply send your potential Flexxity Service Providers to your affiliate Gateway, where they'll be encouraged to sign up as a Service Provider and begin making extra cash:

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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

What About Introduction to Versa Points With SFI Business


Introduction to VersaPoints

What are VersaPoints?  

VersaPoints (VP) are points that are awarded to you for doing various actions (such as making sales, personal purchases, completing tasks, etc.) that support the growth and success of your SFI business.

There are two types of VersaPoints you can earn in SFI:

Action VersaPoints (AVP)

Sales VersaPoints (SVP)

You accumulate Action VP for performing various actions outlined on your SFI To-Do List. When you joined SFI, for example, you had the opportunity to earn hundreds of AVP for confirming your email address, for uploading your account photo, etc.  There are dozens of other actions that you can do monthly to earn thousands of VersaPoints (see your To-Do list for a complete list of available actions that earn you VP).

To earn Sales VP, simply sell an item or make a personal purchase at TripleClicks.com or any other Zing Network site. For example, if one of your Personally Referred Members (PRM) purchases a 200 TCredit Pack, YOU will automatically earn 1,800 SVP. Personal purchase by you for that item would also earn you that 1,800 SVP. NOTE: you can view the SVP attached to each product on its details page at the store. Just click the SFI Toolbox button for complete commission and VP breakdown, as illustrated below:

Why VersaPoints are important:

1. A minimum amount of SVP is necessary for you to advance in SFI rank. To gain the rank of Executive Affiliate (EA), for example, you must earn a TOTAL of 1,500 VP for the month. Out of that VP, a minimum of 1,000 must be Sales VP. You can have more than the minimum SVP required, of course...earning the entire 1,500 required VP through sales/purchases. You can also collect the remaining 500 VP required for that rank via Action VP. It's up to you...so long as you collect the minimum amount of SVP required for your rank each month. (NOTE: To view each rank's required Sales VP, see each Team Leader rank entry in the Glossary.)

2. VersaPoints earn you shares in the Executive Pool. The more VP you collect each month, the more shares in the pool you can earn. We'll discuss the Executive Pool in more detail in coming lessons, but if you don't want to wait, you can learn more details at the SFI Compensation Plan. More VP also helps determine your rank in SFI; and the higher your rank, the more benefits become available to you–including Equivalent Executive Pool Shares (EEPS) for even MORE shares in the Executive Pool each month! You can review the benefits of each rank at our Benefits Chart.

3. If you're still in your first year in SFI, VersaPoints are also important because collecting the most VP is the objective of the E365 contest (a contest for all SFI affiliates in which you have the opportunity to win thousands of Rewardical Tokens).  Learn more about E365 HERE.

4. VersaPoints are the key to our "Power Rank" program. Power Rank allows you to see how you stack up amongst your fellow SFI'ers—in your class, in your country, and overall, too.  The more points you collect, the higher your Power Rank can go and the more prestigious your Power Rank badge will be.  Check out the current Power Rank Leaderboard and see where YOU are positioned now HERE.

TIP: Your current VersaPoints totals (for today, this month, last month, and all-time) are available 24 hours a day on your Scoreboard tab.

TIP: You can collect unlimited VersaPoints at no cost each month.  See 14+ ways you can earn VersaPoints for free for more information.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

How to Show Flash your Badges in the SFI Page


Flash your badges

Badges are exclusive digital images that tout your accomplishments, both as an SFI Affiliate and as a Zing Network Member. They not only give you goals to shoot for and help you keep track of your progress but they also help inform your team of your activity and encourage them to follow in your footsteps.

You can earn badges for a variety of reasons. All Affiliates, for example, get a badge displaying their rank (Executive AffiliateBronze Team Leader, etc.) and a Member badge, as well as for winning Astro Auctions, the Daily Crown contest, being a Rewardical ECA (RECA), and more.

As an Affiliate, you also get badges displaying the number of VersaPoints you've earned to date and the number of RECAs you've referred. You can earn badges for setting up an Auto-Delivery, participating in the E365 contest, winning the Daily Grand, and more. Top performers get badges touting their Affiliate enrollments, sales numbers, VersaPoint ranks, and more.

Many Affiliate and TripleClicks badges feature dynamic numbers that update–hour by hour, day by day, etc.–based on your activity, like the daily VersaPoints streak badge. Most badges also offer the addition of prestigious bronze, silver, and gold trim that updates as you advance through various tiers for a given badge.

By default, your Affiliate badges appear on your Badges tab, your Leadership Page, your Affiliate Snapshot, and your JMT Gateway. You can choose which SFI badges you wish to not display on any of these pages–just click a badge in your SFI Badge Gallery and check the box located on the right side of the badge description popup. You can view/manage all your TripleClicks badges at your TripleClicks Badge Gallery.

Note that some badges–such as your rank badge–may not be turned off.

Join our fun SFI and TripleClicks Badge Quest contests! Our exclusive games (one for SFI affiliates badges; one for Zing Members) feature multiple levels of fun and achievement for all badge collectors. With each advancement, you'll earn valuable prizes and recognition!  Get complete details on the SFI Badge Quest game HERE; review the TripleClicks Badge Quest rules on this page.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Put Your Face on the SFI Business Homepage


Put a face on your business

There's a LOT to love about doing business over the Internet. It's fast, global, inexpensive, and very efficient. But one of the big negatives is that it's also highly impersonal.

When you're dealing with people halfway across the world, via computers, there's not a lot that can be done to make it overly personal, but there are a few things that you can and should do.

Above is an image.  Is it your smiling face or is it just a placeholder that says "No Photo Available?"

If it's your photo, you are to be commended for getting your photo in place already.  But if it's the "dreaded placeholder," you definitely have an item on your to-do list to take care of.  That is, you need to get a photo of yourself uploaded...as soon as possible! Once uploaded and approved, you'll receive 35 VersaPoints. Uploading your account photo also takes care of one of the six qualifications for entering the big E365 contest.

But those aren't even the big reasons for uploading your photo.  Here's what is: Adding your photo is one of the easiest and simplest ways to add personalization and let the members of your team know you are a real, live person–not just a name and number on a computer screen. 

You see, we use your photo in SFI in multiple ways, including in the welcome that the new affiliates you sponsor will see.  Your welcome, accompanied by your smiling face, will help you make those very important great first impressions!

Your account photo is also used on leaderboards, recognition pages, email communications with your team, and more.  In all cases, having your photo in place adds professionalism and personalization…which will help you maximize your SFI income.

view video tutorialOne more thing: It's important that you portray a professional image with your photo. Using icons or pictures of pets, children, and others may only serve to distract from your business image. It’s VITAL that you are using a good photo of yourself, with a friendly, smiling face. Make sure your photo is in-focus, well-lighted (dark photos are bad), and look at the camera.  And no sunglasses, please!  Take this seriously! 

If you don’t have a good photo to use right now, have a friend or family member take a new photo of you and get it uploaded NOW.  Transmitting friendliness and professionalism is KEY.  Consider dressing up!  Remember, this is going to be your first impression with your new PSAs.  If your photo is unprofessional or “scary,” (or if you don’t have an account photo at all), your business will definitely suffer because of it. 

Maximize your results and income in SFI—get a good photo in place now! 


OR, first...

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SFI Weekly News (April 18, 2022)

  Greetings from SFI...let's keep building something great! Here's a brief rundown of SFI's latest developments, along with this...