Friday, May 7, 2021

How much money can You make with SFI


How much money can you make with SFI?

No doubt, this was the main thing you wanted to know when you joined SFI. And it is a fair question. After all, you wouldn't take a job without first finding out how much it paid, right?

According to Entrepreneur magazine, the average home-based business household earns $50,250 a year. And about 20% of all home-business households earn in excess of $75,000 a year.  In some countries (such as the U.S.) there are also tax benefits and write-offs* that can help fund home businesses, even if they haven't yet generated any profits!

That said, being an entrepreneur is NOT the same as being an employee. Running your own business requires a different mindset—about money, about time management, about goal setting, and more—than that of someone simply reporting to a job every day. As a business OWNER, you get out of your company what you put into it. And, of course, your SFI business works the same way.

In short, SFI works...if you do!

And that’s the beauty of it. YOU are in control. How far do you want to take it?

And don't forget: with SFI, you have the opportunity to earn residual income—income you can earn for years to come based on the work you do today.  Virtually ALL wealthy individuals have the power of residual income working for them. So should YOU. Learn more about Residual Income (and Leveraged Income) in this lesson.

Double that penny!

Do you know what happens when you double a penny (one cent) every day for a month? At the 15-day mark, it’s grown to only $163.84. But by the 30th day, it’s mushroomed to OVER 5 MILLION dollars!

As we've discussed in previous lessons, this “leveraging” or duplication effect is one of the most exciting ingredients of SFI. Indeed, its power cannot be underestimated.

For example, imagine that you’ve just sponsored an SFI affiliate in the United States by the name of John. John sponsors a friend in Brazil by the name of Maria. Maria soon sponsors Gustava from Sweden. Through Gustava's efforts, a Korean, Hae-Won, joins SFI.

By sponsoring just ONE PERSON, you’ve set into motion a chain of events that now have affiliates working indirectly on your behalf across the globe! And every person (John, Maria, Gustava, and Hae-Won) can add to your commission check! Get tips on sponsoring new Affiliates and growing your team HERE.

This is just one very small example of how duplication and global networking works. And it's happening every hour of every day at SFI!  Just take a look at the SFI Global Growth Report (shown to the right), and you'll see it in action.

Do you think you could find one good person each month to join SFI? Just one person a month who might be interested in financial freedom, more leisure time, more security, and more happiness?  Do you think you can teach that one person a month to do what you do? If you can, you could soon be earning a very lucrative income with your own wildly successful SFI business!

Want specific earnings examples? Check out our Income Calculator.

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